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Access Bars




Access Bars® is a relaxing and nurturing process that have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their life and body including stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, health, weight, body image, sleep, money, sex, relationships, and so much more!




The Bars® are 32 points on the head that store the electromagnetic component of thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, and considerations as they are stored in the brain. When activated, The Bars begin to release the thoughts, feeling, emotions, considerations, and beliefs you have stored in any lifetime that limit you. The Bars can help facilitate reduction of stress, pain, and trauma throughout the body and increase positive attitudes toward life. Access Bars is a gentle touch hands-on technique introduced by Gary M. Douglas in 1990.


When The Bars are lightly touched, the brain waves actually slow down, allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems, and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed. The brain wave’s change from beta waves, which are attentive mode, to alpha/theta waves, which are relaxed/fall asleep mode. Brain wave measurement shows increased brain coherence after receiving The Bars. Access Bars optimize brain performance, increase concentration ability and improve emotional stability.

The Bars release decisions about any area of your life that you have made solid and as a result cannot change. The Bars begin to dissolve judgment from within.




Access Bars have been reported to help with stress reduction, deep relaxation, ease of sleep, dissipating mind chatter, releasing trauma, reducing overwhelm, decreasing negative and limiting thought patterns, changing negative behavioral patterns, improving overall wellbeing, and increasing feelings of calmness, inner peace, happiness, and gratitude.

Access Bars have assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their life and body including stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, health, weight, body image, sleep, money, sex, relationships, and so much more!

People get their Bars run to ease stress, sleep better, relieve grief, receive more, create wealth, reverse aging, reduce anxiety, boost creativity, release trauma, optimize health, quiet their mind, increase inner peace, have more space, judge themselves less, improve body image, alleviate depression, increase productivity, enhance relationships, have more ease at work or school, have a sense of peace and calm.




During an Access Bars Session 32 Bars points are lightly touched. This process begins to release the electromagnetic charge or polarity of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations, and decisions as it is stored in your brain.

During a session, or having your Bars run as it is often called, The Bars begin to release thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and limiting programs that no longer serve you.




Access Bars is a gentle touch hands-on process that releases hundreds of thousands of points of view which are limiting you in different areas of your life and body. These areas include body, aging, healing, sexuality, money, joy, sadness, control, awareness, creativity, plus many more. What would it be like to have more freedom in all these areas?

Having your Bars run tends to be a relaxing and nurturing process. At worst, you'll feel like you've had a great massage. Best case scenario, your whole life can change into something greater with total ease!

What is most typically reported is that there is a sense of deep relaxation. Many people go to sleep – even in a very noisy environment. Some people have images come to them, others see colors, or feel sensations in their bodies such as buzzing, tingling, warmth, twitches, or shivers.

Everyone is different, so there is no “normal” Access Bars Session. Each session will be different, every time, even if you repeat with the same person. The best way to find out what Access Bars will be like for you is to try it for yourself!


Access Bars have been reported to be very effective at releasing trauma. Combining Trifold Sequencing, while running Bars, has had an even more dynamic effect for those with post-traumatic stress.

Many individuals have reported that the endless loop of re-experiencing the traumatic event that occurs for many who suffer with post-traumatic stress seemed to fade away and they no longer experienced triggers as they did before. 

Combining Trifold Sequencing with Circuitry while running Bars has had a profound effect on people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), acquired brain injury (ABI), ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism.

Access Bars

Reiki Therapy


• Begins with brief conversation to discuss current needs and area of concerns

• Optional 5-minute Oracle Card Pull

• Reiki Energy Therapy with possible use of sound healing & crystal therapy

• Ends with closing conversation to discuss session and any questions or follow-up information


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words — Rei which means “God's Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”


A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.


While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not. Because Reiki comes from God, many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion, rather than having only an intellectual concept of it.


Metatron Energy Therapy


• Begins with brief conversation to discusscurrent needs and area of concerns

• Optional 5-minute Oracle Card Pull

• Metatron Energy Therapy with possible use of sound healing & crystal therapy

• Ends with closing conversation to discuss session and any questions or follow-up information

What is Metatron Energy Therapy?


As with most energy therapy modalities, the process for the client is very much the same as with receiving Reiki. What differs is how the practitioner channels the therapeutic energy.


Metatron is an Archangel. This energy therapy modality is unique as the energy of Metatron is considered to be one of the most intense and powerful frequencies that we can work with to release deep-seated trauma and energies being held in the body. Some benefits of this healing modality include:


✨Deep cleaning of chakras✨

✨Removing deep-seated blocks | Realigning with your truth✨

✨ “Seeing clearly”✨

✨Eliminating procrastination✨

✨ Enhancing motivation & focus✨

✨Helps with addictive behaviors✨

✨Stimulating creativity✨

✨Clearing trauma✨

✨Cutting cords & attachments✨

and soooo much more!​​

Metatron Energy

Violet Flame Therapy


• Begins with brief conversation to discuss current needs and area of concerns

• Optional 5-minute Oracle Card Pull

• Violet Flame Energy Therapy with possible use of sound healing & crystal therapy

• Ends with closing conversation to discuss session and any questions or follow-up information


What is Violet Flame Energy Therapy?


As with most energy therapy modalities, the process for the client is very much the same as with receiving Reiki. What differs is how the practitioner channels the therapeutic energy.


In this session, we work with the energy of the “Violet Flame” which is a ray of Divine Energy.
This healing is beneficial for:

✨Healing relationship wounds & traumas for any type of relationship✨
(romantic, platonic, familial)

✨Clearing karma✨

✨Transmuting energy✨

✨Balancing masculine & feminine energy✨

✨Cutting cords & forgiveness✨

Violet Flame

Tarot Reading

30min or 60min

• Begins with brief conversation to discuss current needs and area of concerns

• Tarot and Oracle card reading from multiple decks.

• Ends with closing conversation to discuss session and any questions or follow-up information.


In Person


Self-Love Coaching, Spiritual Therapy or Mentorship

We will create a plan that will include various services based on, your needs & goals, my intuition, and experience. The 60-minute sessions will help you dive deep into your journey. We may incorporate light therapy, sound healing, energy healing, hypnosis, meditation or any combination of modalities that may support you along with the coaching, mentorship or spiritual therapy.


Chromotherapy / Color Light Therapy / Red Light Therapy


• Begins with brief conversation to discuss current needs and area of concerns

• Optional 5-minute Oracle Card Pull

• Client will be guided into a meditative or relaxed state (whichever is preferred)

• Client will relax in a comfortable position with the most skin exposed as possible (preferable in swim wear or the like) so the skin is exposed to light therapy

• Ends with closing conversation to discuss session and any questions or follow-up information

What is Chromotherapy/Color Light Therapy/Red Light Therapy?

Chromotherapy or Color Light Therapy (CLT) utilizes color light, set at a specific wavelength, that safely saturates the body’s surface tissue to restore balance to the human physiology.


Color Light Therapy relies on the fact that every color, each with its own frequency, is a form of vibrational energy.


All organs, cells, and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrate and harmonizes with the frequencies of these colors. When various parts of the body deviate from these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased or at least not functioning properly. The vibratory rates inherent in color are such that they balance the diseased energy pattern found in the body.


Colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents or fields of energy that are prime activators of the biochemical and hormonal processes in the human body. Light is responsible for turning on the brain and the body. Light enters the body through the eyes and skin. When even a single photon of light enters the eye, it lights up the entire brain.​​


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Do you want the power to heal yourself?

Despite the ever-advancing innovation in the field of medical science and related fields, humanity still grapples with sickness, disease, disorder, and pain of many kinds.

Many ailments, both physical and psychological, remain unconquered. However, there is new hope—an alternative that has been somehow sidelined or taken for granted by many people.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a revolutionary method of curing or overcoming our present anxieties, traumas, depressions, hang-ups, and other emotional and psychological issues.

QHHT is also found effective in healing a myriad of physical illnesses and diseases, including life-threatening ones, which conventional and modern medicine cannot fully treat and cure.

Step fully into who you are and who you are meant to be.

Developed by Dolores Cannon of the United States,

QHHT is a unique, but simple and effective way of dealing with health issues.

There are no boundaries to this healing modality, limited only by the individual’s imagination. It has been proven effective to thousands of people all over the world regardless of age, gender, racial, or cultural background.

Based on the concept of Past Life Regression, QQHT deals with the recovery of memories or incarnations. You can incorporate your past, present & future life and plan a new path for your life relevant to your life’s purpose and mission.

These sessions take a total of around 4 hours.
2 hours for an interview and conversation + 2 hours for the actual hypnosis segment.


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